Jackson, MS – Auto Collision Ends in Injuries on I-20 near Exit 46

Jackson, MS (December 15, 2022) – A vehicle crash was reported in Rankin County on December 15. At approximately 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, emergency dispatchers were notified of the accident on Interstate 20. 

Reports concerning the incident show the accident happened on I-20 near exit 46. Two or more vehicles crashed in the area and injured those involved. 

Emergency crews, including police, EMTs, and fire crews were observed in the area, rendering aid to injured victims and investigating the details of the incident. 

The left two eastbound lanes were blocked while the scene was active with responders. 

Our thoughts are with those involved. We hope for their full recovery. 

Mississippi Car Accidents

Jackson, MS - Auto Collision Ends in Injuries on I-20 near Exit 46

Car wrecks are some of the most common reasons people suffer accidental injuries and fatalities in the United States. The chances of you becoming hurt in an auto crash during your lifetime are high, especially in the United States. Despite the commonality of car accidents, no one is ever prepared for the aftermath and damages that follow. 

The damages that result from an auto collision may depend on the specifics of the accident and the losses you suffer. It may also depend on the level of negligence demonstrated in the cause of the incident. 

The following damages are commonly seen in personal injury cases involving traffic accidents. Bear in mind that this list is not complete, and you may be able to pursue financial compensation for virtually any cost you incurred related to your wreck. 

  • Medical bills: one of the easiest damages to calculate, medical bills may include compensation for expenses related to surgery costs, ambulance rides, hospitalization costs, doctor’s visits, hospital transportation, medical device costs, therapy/rehab costs, prescription drug costs, and other medication, in-home car costs, etc. 

The more extensive your injuries are, the more expensive your medical bills will be. You may typically be able to recover the costs related to your physical recovery in a personal injury lawsuit/insurance claim. 

Some other damages that may result from an auto collision include lost wages, vehicle repairs, property damage, pain, suffering, punitive damages, and more. A car crash attorney in Jackson can help you determine the full cost of your damages and what you may expect to receive in terms of financial compensation., 

Dealing with the insurance company can be extremely stressful, which is why we are here to help you with that, too. We will negotiate a full and fair settlement from the insurance company so you can get the money you need to recover. 

Call our law office as soon as you can at (662) 262-6264 for more information on how we can help you.

Note: These posts are generated solely for MW Law Firm -Mama Justice. The facts and information utilized to create these posts were collected and gathered through the use of secondary sources. We use various news organizations, newspaper articles, police accident reports, police blotters, and social media platforms, as well as first-hand eyewitness accounts about accidents that happen in and around Northern Mississippi. We have not independently verified all reported facts in our posts. If you locate any information that is not correct, please contact our firm immediately so that we can update the post with the most accurate information available. If you would like to have this post removed from our site, please contact us immediately. We will do our best to remove it as soon as possible.

Disclaimer: We have worked hard to become valued members of the Northern Mississippi business community. We write these posts to bring awareness to the dangers of driving in hopes that our fellow community members will use an abundance of caution when operating a motor vehicle. The information in this post is not intended to be medical or legal advice. The photographs used in this post are not taken at the actual accident scene.


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