Newton, MS – Justin Harmon Killed, One Injured in Auto Accident on Hwy 80

Newton, MS (May 9, 2023) – A fatal traffic accident took the life of one person in the early morning hours of Friday, May 5, in Newton. The victim was identified as 36-year-old Justin Horton.

Harmon was driving along Highway 80 in a 1993 Corvette when, for unknown reasons, his vehicle left the roadway and overturned. Harmon and his female passenger, Stefanie Horton, also 36, were ejected from the vehicle. 

Stefanie sustained moderate to serious injuries in the crash, according to information provided by the Mississippi Highway Patrol. She was transported from the scene to the hospital for treatment. 

What caused the crash to occur is being investigated by local authorities. 

We want to offer our sincere condolences to the family of Justin Harmon at this time. We hope for the full recovery of Stefanie Harmon.

Mississippi Traffic Accidents

Newton, MS - Justin Harmon Killed, One Injured in Auto Accident on Hwy 80Fatal car accidents happen weekly throughout the state of Mississippi. These accidents are preventable but continue to occur due to negligent driving. Fatal car crashes end the lives of hundreds of people each year due to people acting careless, reckless, and negligent while they drive. In a year’s time, approximately 683 people lost their lives in auto accidents in Mississippi, the majority of which were caused by driver negligence. Sustaining serious injuries in a car crash can be a difficult experience. The only thing more difficult than getting hurt in a crash is losing someone you love. If you have faced any of these enormous losses and damages, you should have the dedicated help of an attorney on your side.

When someone you love is suddenly taken from you, your life is severely impacted. You may be suffering in numerous ways and in need of some assistance financially. If you know your loved one lost their life due to the negligent actions of another person, contact a wrongful death lawyer. An attorney can help you file a claim for financial compensation that can help you pay for the costs related to funeral care and more. Nobody should ever have to worry about these aspects on their own after they have lost someone close to them. You should speak with a knowledgeable attorney who you can trust.

Whether you suffered serious injuries in an accident or lost a loved one, a lawyer can help you recover. A car accident attorney can negotiate a full and fair settlement from the insurance company for you so you can stop worrying. Our attorneys at Mama Justice are here for you. We believe that you have every right to hold a responsible party liable for the harm that they have caused you in the event of an accident.

 Our attorneys can assist you along the often problematic path toward compensation for a wide array of damages. You should never have to stand alone after you have been seriously injured in a crash or have lost someone you love in an accident. Please contact a car accident attorney in Newton at (888) 484-1476 for more information on how we can help you.

Note: These posts are generated solely for MW Law Firm -Mama Justice. The facts and information utilized to create these posts were collected and gathered through the use of secondary sources. We use various news organizations, newspaper articles, police accident reports, police blotters, social media platforms, as well as, first-hand eyewitness accounts about accidents that happen in and around Northern Mississippi. We have not independently verified all reported facts in our posts. If you locate any information that is not correct, please contact our firm immediately so that we can update the post with the most accurate information available. If you would like to have this post removed from our site, please contact us immediately. We will do our best to remove it as soon as possible.

Disclaimer: We, at MW Law Firm – Mama Justice, have worked hard to become valued members of the Northern Mississippi business community. We write these posts to bring awareness to the dangers of driving in hopes that our fellow community members will use an abundance of caution when operating a motor vehicle. The information in this post is not intended to be medical or legal advice. The photographs pictures used in this post are not taken at the actual accident scene.


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