Oxford, MS – Injury Crash on US-278 near Waller Funeral Home

Oxford, MS (August 19, 2022) – At around 6:00 p.m., on August 18, various responders were dispatched to the scene of a traffic wreck in Oxford. Police say the accident happened on US 278. 

Information provided by officials states that the collision took place in the 400 block of US 278, near the Waller Funeral Home. What caused the crash has not been reported at this time. 

Paramedics treated the injured victims on-site before transporting them to local hospitals where they would receive further medical care. Their names have not been released.

Traffic was delayed in the vicinity of the crash site while responders worked there. Drivers commuting near the crash scene were urged to use alternative routes.

Our thoughts are with those involved. We hope for their complete recovery.

Mississippi Car Crashes

 Oxford, MS - Injury Crash on US-278 near Waller Funeral HomeAuto wrecks are not an uncommon occurrence in Mississippi, happening hundreds of thousands of times per year. Tens of thousands of people are injured in these accidents every year while thousands lose their lives. What causes the majority of the auto crashes that occur in the United States is currently driver negligence. 

Driver negligence is responsible for over 90% of the auto collisions reported in the United States. Drunk drivers, sleepy drivers, speeding drivers, and distracted drivers cause millions of auto accidents every year. These accidents injure and take the lives of millions throughout the United States. When you’re injured in a negligent driving accident, you may have legal options available to help you recover. Speaking with an auto accident attorney is your best bet in successfully filing a personal injury claim for compensation so you can pay for the costs related to your accident. 

Negligent driving is dangerous and selfish. Over 400,000 auto accidents are caused by driver distraction per year, while approximately 3,000 people lose their lives because of distracted drivers per year. Choosing to pay attention to anything else other than the road in front of you while you’re behind the wheel of a vehicle is dangerous and destructive. 

A car crash lawyer is available to help injured crash victims get the financial compensation they deserve after their lives are turned upside down by the actions of a negligent driver. Call Mama Justice as soon as you can to speak with a lawyer regarding your legal rights. You should not have to pay for the injuries you sustained because of someone else’s careless actions. Call our law firm at (888) 484-1476 to speak with a lawyer regarding your case.

Note: These posts are generated solely for MW Law Firm -Mama Justice. The facts and information utilized to create these posts were collected and gathered through the use of secondary sources. We use various news organizations, newspaper articles, police accident reports, police blotters, social media platforms, as well as, first-hand eyewitness accounts about accidents that happen in and around Northern Mississippi. We have not independently verified all reported facts in our posts. If you locate any information that is not correct, please contact our firm immediately so that we can update the post with the most accurate information available. If you would like to have this post removed from our site, please contact us immediately. We will do our best to remove it as soon as possible.

Disclaimer: We have worked hard to become valued members of the Northern Mississippi business community. We write these posts to bring awareness to the dangers of driving in hopes that our fellow community members will use an abundance of caution when operating a motor vehicle. The information in this post is not intended to be medical or legal advice. The photographs used in this post are not taken at the actual accident scene.



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